The specialties programme takes place during block 2 (10:20 - 11:25) from Monday to Wednesday. All students have the opportunity to try a variety of subjects with different teachers. The specialties programme provides an opportunity for students to learn from different teachers and to gain an understanding of the college environment where they will be moving between classes regularly.
The following are examples of the types of lessons that have previously been offered.
Students will be able to understand how Biotechnology is used in everyday life, research and experiment with products such as Yeast, Yoghurt, Cheese and Ginger beer and assemble and display their findings, either in groups or individually, using a range of media.
Students will develop a basic knowledge of music theory, and they will play basic tunes on the keyboard. We will learn a repertoire of contemporary songs, traditional songs and NZ Maori waiata. Lastly we will develop music appreciation by looking at several genres of music and its artists.
While working on these units, students will learn how to investigate, understand, and explain our natural, physical world and the wider universe. It involves generating and testing ideas, gathering evidence by making observations, carrying out investigations and modelling, and communicating and debating with others in order to develop scientific knowledge.
Students will be using a range of robotic devices. They will use the technological process to design, build, test, evaluate and modify in order to achieve an outcome. Students will learn how to use computational thinking to program a robot to complete a task.
This unit will require students to work in small groups (2–5 students) to apply drama techniques to perform a dramatic interpretation of a specific narrative/poem.
Students will participate in a range of practical activities to learn the skills for different sports. they will practice these skills and learn how to use them in a game or competition. The focus is on developing physical skills through determination and thinking.
Have you found yourself wanting to harness the power of ninja warriors or Jedis? What about how to turn yourself into a pretzel? This specialty holds all this and more through discovering the art of mindfulness (meditation) and movement (yoga). We will learn what tools we can use to master negative thoughts and emotions, and we will practice yoga to gain strength, flexibility, and balance which will improve physical health and the ability to play other sports. Can't wait to start our journey together!
Students will get to research, design and make a 2D or 3D Art Mural based on the ethnicities of our School. Murals to showcase and celebrate the rich diversity and culture that makes our school inclusive.
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